February 11, 2016

A new look for orrenmerton.com!

A new look for orrenmerton.com!

My previous site design is from when I started writing The Sedumen Chronicles. With the first story arc trilogy complete, and the second one about to begin, I thought a redesign was in order.

I was aiming for an uncluttered look and feel, and a site that was fast on mobile and desktop devices. I also wanted to simplify navigation and search. I think this design achieves all those things.

I also wanted to bring my mailing list more front and center. I haven’t used it much in the past, but I intend to re-activate it as a way of occasionally getting news out.

The header illustrations, by the way, are characters from The Sedumen Chronicles as drawn by Nico Baum. I think she did a great job–check out her site for more examples of her work.

Giving a new polish to orrenmerton.com is also a prelude to blogging more. In the near term, I’ll have a lot of content to throw up about my next novel. But even after that, I want to keep it going. I used to blog a lot, but social media sharing sort of curbed that a bit. But I think there’s still space for longer-form posting, and this will be that place. More podcasting, and perhaps even videocasting, is in the cards, too.

But first is the redesign. Hope you like it!